Friday, March 30, 2007

他笑一笑, 世界美妙

2個月大的黃子騫, 終於展露出真正的笑容. 逗逗他, 就懂得用笑來回應你. 他的笑不再是咀角微微彎起的小動作, 而是會牽動整個臉部肌肉. 嬰兒的笑是多麼的美好...


各位, 人奶寶寶最大的好處, 他將成為一個健康寶寶! 有相為證, 腳瓜粗過節瓜.
最近ADRIAN 很喜歡用他的"金華火腿"站起來, 果然強而有力.... 甲組腳大個仔跟寶姨姨踢波

Friday, March 16, 2007


給你看清楚, 像爸爸?? 像媽媽??? 不如大家來投票..
你可以在 "comments" 留下你神聖的一票... 謝謝


爸爸寫這個blog很受歡迎, 現在媽媽也要發言了!

起初人人說小騫b 像爸爸, 像爺爺, 甚至像二叔公.... 郤沒有人說她像媽媽.... 最近...終於..終於有人說了! 我聽到不只一個人說, 這張照片很像我, 你說是嗎?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Adrian's Smile

Okay, so I MADE him smile. This photo was taken right after mom fed him. Oh, by the way, Adrian is two months old now.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007

You Know... I Mean...

Well, Adrian is not talking yet. He sure has quite a few facial expressions. Looks like he's gossiping with someone in this picture doesn't it? You can almost hear him says: "oh, you know... I mean..."

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Got Milk?

Adrian's eating more and more. We're feeding him 5 to 6 oz. of milk each time. The result? He's 13 lbs. now. We have to get rid of some of his clothes because he can't fit in them anymore. We asked auntie Myra and auntie Elsa to babysit him while we went to a special meeting tonight. Thanks auntie Myra and Auntie Elsa! I hope Adrian was a good boy and didn't give you too much trouble.
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