Friday, April 30, 2010


寶姨姨來了夏威夷, 這個晚上有空去姨媽家晚飯, 你跟表妺興高采烈跑來跑去, 正開飯之際, 你突然廚房跌倒!  大家都知道你是堅強表哥, 就算跌倒流血, 純粹皮外傷都不流淚還會笑的你在大哭, 爸爸聽到他們叫你"唔好咁嘈!", 還即時帶你出去車裏關上門讓你哭個夠, 媽媽出去抱你入屋, 你沒有再哭但心情欠佳 "唔同澄澄玩!  我唔食飯!   唔要... 唔要...."     以為你還沒平伏心情在鬧脾氣, 怎料我一抱起你, 又大哭, 媽媽才知定有點問題了.  把手錶脫下嘗試叫你拿著, 發覺你不能舉起手, 爸媽沒吃飯即去醫院,    哭著給醫生檢查, 哭著照x 光, 原來你右邊鎖骨骨折了!  給你吃了tylenol, 只要不碰你也還好, 躺下起來都要人扶. 但喜歡我拿著x 光片, 重覆又重覆要我解釋給你聽, 像聽故事一樣, 剛才發生自己身上的意外, 發生經過聽完一次又一次, 津津有味, 你真趣緻!  下次要知道, 你真的很痛才會哭, 你哭就是你十分痛.   不痛哭不了, 哭的痛到不得了!      

Monday, April 12, 2010

Honolulu Zoo

So what are you gonna do when you have to babysit a 3-year old on a Friday? Rather than staying home and watch Adrian making a mess indoors my wife and I prefer going out and have fun outdoors. There are plenty of places to go in Honolulu and I especially like the Honolulu Zoo. It's very well managed. I was very impressed by the fact that it doesn't stink at all. Although it's not the biggest zoo in the world, it's just the right size for an ordinary dad with an ordinary naughty boy. Get in at 9am and you should be able to finish touring in there by 12pm, just in time for lunch. For a parking lot in Waikiki the parking fee is reasonable. Show your Hawaii ID and you can have a discount. This is their web site.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Try Translating This Blog for Some Laughs

Hello my dear visitors who can only read English! I'm sure you'd be a little frustrated reading most of the posts here since they're written in Chinese. Hey, it's not my fault. It's my lovely wife who wrote them and her can type in Chinese faster than in English. ( I think she can do 40 words per minute, I can do 40 alphabets per minute) In any case, did you know that you can translate the Chinese posts into English if you use Google Chrome as the web browser? Give it a try. You'll be laughing your heads off when you see the results! I did. Now you know why you could never understand that "English" user's manual that came with your VCR. :-)
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