Saturday, January 20, 2007

How Many Do You Have?

If you can somehow look at the back of your head, you'll find that your hair (if you still have hair, that is) growing from a shape similar to a whirl. If you know what it's called, please let me know. Adrian has two. How many do you have?


lehua1 said...

This is a gidi gidi (locals call it) or a cow-lick. i think everyone has at least 1. but some say that if you have more than 1, you are a rascal. but at least you will have a cute rascal.

HNL Chinese Activities said...

Thanks! This guy is definitely a rascal. He can act, too. He'd do something like making do-do right after I changed his diaper. He'd give you a puzzled look as if he's saying" Oh, what was that?"

Anonymous said...

Great work.

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