Saturday, June 30, 2007


這是我們一家穿得最整齊的一天, 參加"跟隨基督"區域大會. 黃子騫穿了格仔恤衫和格仔長褲, 吸引不少漂亮姐姐和姨姨. 一到會場, 東西沒放下, 位子沒找到, 已被抱走不見踪影 (不過即使只穿一塊尿布, 我想結果都一樣)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


唔係我個仔, 係另一個bk媽咪. 不過... 呢句說話太動聽... 羨慕死人.
無論自己幾烏were, 但做一個稱職媽媽+太太, 就係全世界最靚既人.

Monday, June 18, 2007


忘記告訴大家, 他在四個月零兩個星期時, 已經學會翻身. 現在動作更加靈活, 翻身如反掌. 做媽媽的, 開心之餘又煩惱, 千萬要小心, 否則床下底見.
看他這個動作真有趣, 我拍得不太好, 漏了一邊腳,再描述一次, 是兩腳+頭一起離地, 肚腩頂陣!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


他的下齒靠中間地方, 有一小白點冒了出來啦! 不知何時他學會咬東西, 咬菜心, 咬手指, 咬玩具....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Babyart 3D Project

BABYART (寶寶藝術) 可做出3d手印及腳印, 高級的工具材料, 對寶寶100%安全, 還可裱放在框架內! made in Belgium
就在小騫剛足五個月時替他做了手和腳, 很有記念價值哦!!! 但.... 真的不容易做, 尤其第一次, 而且一盒只能做一手一腳, 一take過... 看照片還可以, 實物郤有很多瘕疵, 美中不足....
如果給我做多一次, 一定會做得更好. 好想好想買多一盒呀.... 買不買好呢??...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


孩子誔生時, 父母就感到對孩子的情感, 是世間上任何情感都無法相比的, 抱著孩子, 看著他熟睡的小臉蛋, 見到他燦爛的笑容, 已經帶給媽媽無限的快樂和滿足. 寶寶呱呱墜地, 一個完全不能自理的嬰孩, 便由你照顧. 媽媽位置絕對無人可取替...

自己沒升為媽媽級都不體會, 恭喜家姐終於等到這一天, 皓晴表妹誔生了!

小騫只有五個月大, 就榮升表哥...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Make Over

So, how do you like the new look of Adrian's blog? I hope you'll like it. Here are the changes:

1. I used the GIMP to make the new title using three pictures I took. The GIMP is an open-source software package similar to Photoshop. Yes, I do think that Photoshop is THE software package for image editing. I use it at work. Definitely love it. Its only drawback is its hefty price. The GIMP is free and pretty much can do everything Photoshop does. (Well, I should say everything I need to do in Photoshop)

2. A new My Favorites is added. The Baby Kingdom is a very, very big online community of tens of thousands of new/not so new mothers. Mom loves this site. If you're a new mother or going to become one, you will enjoy the different forums and topics covered by so many other women like you. The catch? It's in Chinese. Also, be careful because it's additive.

3. I added some new features offered by Blogger and Google, just to jazz up the blog. You can read news from Hawaii, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. I'm not quite sure which language the news is going to appear. I seem to get the news in English while mom gets them in Chinese. Maybe it has something to do with your version of MS Windows.

Well, Adrian is 5 months old. He now weights over 18 pounds and still growing. There are many things going on with this little guy. Will let you as often as we can. Aloha!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Adrian's Video #9

How does Adrian like baby cereal? See it for yourself. Sorry for the jittering of the camera. Daddy isn't very good with cameras.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


期待己久的時刻來了! 準備好照相機, 圍好兜兜, 安置在學行車上,調好米糊,準備拍下用湯匙進食的第一次...弄得一口都是,在他咀上的比他吞下的還多!還好早就預料會如此,慢慢會吃得更好. 他快要五個月大了,我們開始向他介紹新食物... 米糊 rice cereal 是美國小兒科協會最廣為推薦的第一種嬰兒固體食物, 易於消化吸收,不易產生過敏反應, 又能提供所需的鐵質,就由這個開始吧!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Mama to the rescue

Actually, I think Adrian did okay in the water. We tried again after taking the video and he was a little more calm. Of course we had mommy holding him to give him comfort. Give Adrian some time and I think he'll get used to the "big blue wet thing" --- the ocean. :)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Adrian in the water for the 1st time!

Since Adrian loves taking a bath, I thought he must love swimming. I was wrong.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Da Beach Boy

I have to say that mom is a very good photographer. She has the knack of capturing the perfect moments.

This picture was taken at Koolina last Monday. Grandpa, grandma and auntie Daisy were there, too. Mom really likes the swim diaper we bought for Adrian.

Does Adrian like swimming? We'll let you know. We had a good time at the beach, that's for sure.
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