Sunday, April 19, 2009

騫之畫作 - 食物篇2



騫之畫作 - 食物篇




(媽媽覺得這個薯仔沒什麼特別, 沒有即時影, 你命令: 媽媽, 又要影喎!)

士多啤梨. (可惜支紅色無出色)

筆, 一連寸畫了不同的水果, 畫一個, 媽媽影一張相, 發覺你進步了

Saturday, April 18, 2009


王維基的文章, 好一句"全能父母製造無能子女", 叮囑父母要收起全能...令人深思既一句

父母太全能, 事事安排好, 孩子真的好易無能
父母無能, 是否孩子會自力更生? 學會生存之道?

現在父母的毛病都是極度緊張子女的一切, 完全鋪排好未來的路, 讀什麼書籍, 上什麼課, 學什麼手藝, 講什麼語言, 升那間學校, 向成功進發......... 他們能接受失敗嗎?

嘔心瀝血, 到頭來變好心做壞事?

不如放鬆d啦香港人. (我講自己) 不過好彩我都幾無能 :)

Friday, April 17, 2009


3-4個月前, 他對這spelling puzzle 沒什麼興趣, 一塊都不願砌, 不過自從媽媽給他玩了大大塊的THOMAS 及FIRE TRUCK floor puzzle 之後, 他體會到拼圖之樂, 原來拼好後是那麼大又可愛的圖案!!! 他會比心機拼拼拼, (有時拼不到發脾氣到哭, 但仍會繼續去拼, 拼圖的一個好處就是讓他們加強承受錯折感的能力), 媽媽協助一下後完成, 又是得來一個滿足及自豪的笑容.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


媽媽小時候最渴望可以去波波池, 騫騫你真很幸福

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Adrian's Nightmare II

For some reason Adrian was very tired today. He fell asleep while we're on our way home from the meetings. (approx. 7pm) We put him to bed once we got home. My wife and I were enjoying our dinner when we heard him screaming. Adrian's having another nightmare. This time he was yelling: "Take them off! Take them off!" Well, if you're baffled by what he's saying, I don't blame you. Basically Adrian doesn't like wearing long pants and socks. He's not too keen to wear shoes either. He'd tell us to take them off every time we put these items on him (especially socks). I know, I know, very uncivilized indeed.

As you can see in the picture, Adrian is pretty good with jigsaw puzzles. (Well, very simple ones, that is. You didn't expect a 2-year old having fun with a 1000-piece puzzle, did you?)

Friday, April 03, 2009

四月份轉新playgroup: wee play & learn

四月開始不上TLC 了, 上次媽媽去WARD WAREHOUSE 工作時經過, 便去看看這間夏威夷BK 媽咪提及的PLAYGROUP, 加上有PROMO 只需MEMBERSHIP USD 50 + 每月USD 69, 星期一至五下午都可以去任玩的好地方, 超大兩層設施又多, 有給媽咪做YOGA 的埸, 媽咪做YOGA 有人看小孩 (雖然我不玩YOGA), 有KEIKI CAMP 可放下小朋友給他們看管 USD 11.95 / 小時(可考慮上學前給他試試看當預備), 小朋友剪髮師USD 15一次, 連吃飯睡覺的地方都有! 就JOIN 吧! 遲些他們更開辦PRE-SCHOOL
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