Saturday, January 16, 2010

Field Trip Friends - 1ST Trip Pu'u Ualaka'a State Wayside

參加了Field trip friends 一連八星期的活動, 可惜是媽媽星期六要工作, 不能陪你去探索世界, 幸好是代替媽媽的有爺爺姑姐婆婆姨媽和表妹.   

這是第一個星期, 去登山看風景及玩夏威夷的傳統遊戲. 
Today we will play Makahiki games that Hawaiian children played and learn about the Makahiki season and how it relates to the stars.  We will also take a nature walk to the overlook, play I spy, and learn about the craters we see.


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