Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bird nest outside the door

Found a bird nest a few days ago right outside our front door. It's built on the roses. Strange place to build a nest if you asked me. Dad was acting like kid since he found it. Always spying on that bird. He even went to pick up one of its eggs and make the birdie all mad. Mom also acted like a little rascal by shaking the roses before going to work just to "say hello". I mean, leave the poor bird alone! The chinese always welcome such "rangers" because they think it brings you good luck. Okay, so they don't like crows. This bird is kinda quiet, too. It's alright with me since it doesn't make too much noise. That's gonna change when the little ones hatch. See what happen then. Oh, what kind of bird is it? I don't know. It's black with a red patch at the head. Not exactly cute. It's more like Darth Vader. COOL!

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